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Discover Tessandra's Journey


Naturalist, Spiritualist, Visionary

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Welcome to my story! I am excited to share a small part of my life's journey with you. I hope my experiences can inspire and motivate you in your journey. Thank you for taking the time to read and connect with me.


​Children are awake and aware of what is happenning in and around them. Their spiritual gifts and genius are right on the surface and waiting to be explored when given a stable, calm, safe environment.

As for myself, my grandparents gave me a tremendous amount of love and support. They helped me to connect with the natural world and the Native American Indian culture at 4 years old. It started with a seemingly innocent pony ride and the rest was history! That pony ride unleashed my passion for horses and I became a fervent equestrian. Horses taught me many things. Most importantly, to be balanced, in my power, and having a strong, grounded connection with Mother Earth.


My grandparents introduced me to the Shinnecock Indians on Long Island, New York, at around 4 years old. I immediately fell in kinship with them. They recognized my curiosity and interest in them so they helped me to be a part of their world for a short time. I wore their clothes and beaded jewelry, acquired many woven baskets, and most importantly always wore their handmade moccasins. The moccasins were sacred to me. I always kept an eye on them and always knew where they were. Crossing paths with the Shinnecock Indians and riding horses would later become a full-circle experience in my life story.​


Years passed and at around 21yrs, I got married. I became pregnant, unfortunately it was an Ectopic pregnancy, and I almost died. After 3 major surgeries, I was left exhausted and lifeless. My wise, loving, and supportive husband encouraged me to find a way to heal myself. Computers didn't exist in the 80s, so I had to read books, go to several health food stores, and find out where I could go to heal and strengthen my body, mind, and spirit. All 3 were weak and out of balance. I was directed to the Kushi Institute in Becket, Massachusetts. I lived there and studied for 6 months. My experiences there were profound and life-changing. I witnessed terminally ill cancer patients recover after the medical profession told them that they were going to die. I too, reclaimed my health and vibrancy through their knowledge and wisdom. I ate a Macrobiotic diet, had acupuncture, massage therapy, did juice fasting to cleanse my internal systems, worked with a TCM herbalist, and took Bach Flower Remedies for integration and balance. 

The Kushi Institute gave me a second life, and the opportunity to explore the holistic healing arts. I will always be grateful for the dedicated healers who crossed my path and helped to restore my well-being. Studying at the Kushi Institute, changed my life's path. My full recovery inspired me to study the Holistic Healing Arts. My studies included; A Holistic NYS Licensed Esthetician, NYS Licensed Hair and Makeup Artist, Certified Yoga Instructor, Certified Dancekinetics Instructor, A Usui Reiki Master, A Life Path Consultant, experiencing past life regressions, experiencing soul retrievals, EFT Tapping, Applied Kinesiology, Hands of Light, Toning and Sound Therapy, Light Therapy, Music Therapy, Name Analysis, Location Analysis, Interspecies Communication, Augery, Quantum Healing modalities, and Quantum Biofeedback.   


In my late 40s, I moved to the Southwest Sonoran Desert, Scottsdale, Arizona. It was there that I reconnected with the Native American culture. There are 17 tribes living in the desert. Their culture and energy permeate everything in the desert. I moved into a home on the edge of the Pima Indian reservation and was immediately greeted by the presence of Native American Ancestral spirits. They made their benevolent presence known and my connection to their culture and world was reignited. I began to wear Native American jewelry and brightly colored Arizona clothing. Shortly after I moved into my house, I met a Hopi Elder and invited him to my home for lunch, We sat there very relaxed looking out over the Pima Indian reservation. It was eerily quiet and calm. Suddenly, I had an overwhelming epiphany or realization. I knew in an instant that my Hopi friend had been a white man in a previous lifetime, and that I had been a Native American Indian in a previous lifetime.

I told him without hesitation the "knowing" or epiphany that I had just experienced, and he replied,

"yes, I feel that is true."

Then he said, " I feel like a white man in Indian clothes," to which I replied, " I feel like an Indian in white woman's clothes." We both sat there in silence processing this newfound awareness. Suddenly my life made more sense. My inherent desire to be around the Indian culture, wear their clothes and jewelry, riding horses bareback through the forest, being drawn to live in the desert, having a nomadic lifestyle, and not having a desire to own land. I always had this deep inner knowing that Mother Earth was not for sale. But rather a gift, on temporary loan, to be treasured, loved, taken care of and respected. My past life as an Indian is very strongly imprinted in me, and I miss being with them.


It is 2024, and I recently moved to Montana where eleven Indian tribes reside. The day after my arrival I decided to take a walk along a river trail. I parked my car in the trailhead parking lot. As got out of the car, I noticed a man parked next to me. His window was down and he spontaneously shouted  "hello" to me. I looked at the man and noticed that he was a Native American Indian. We chatted for a few minutes, and then he reached into his glovebox, pulled out an eagle feather, and gave it to me. I immediately knew what the meaning was for me. It was a gift welcoming me back home. An omen that the Indian ancestors were happy to see me again. To receive an Eagle feather is a great and high honor for many reasons. The first reason is because it is illegal for anyone > BUT A NATIVE AMERICAN TO HAVE AN EAGLE FEATHER. < The Bald and Golden Eagles are both protected species in Montana under federal and state laws. In my mind, the fact that a Native American gave it to me as a "gift" is highly symbolic. It was clearly a welcome home gift from the Native American culture. I also felt that it was a clear and strong confirmation that I was in "the right place." 

The second reason why it is an honor to be given an Eagle feather is because in the Native American culture, it represents what is highest, bravest, strongest, and holiest. For the next few days, I reflected on the whole experience. It was an honor to be welcomed by the Native American ancestral spirits and the Native Americans living here in physical form. I felt deeply moved in my heart. As if something had been missing from my life and I was about to reclaim it. 


A few weeks later I traveled north up into the mountains. I was in the Walmart parking lot and headed to my car. As I started to walk by a pickup truck I noticed a Native American man leaning on the tailgate. We exchanged "hellos" and then started to chat. It didn't take long for me to open up to him about my remembering my past life as an Indian. He stood there in stillness for a few moments, gazing off into the distance. I watched his eyes. He seemed to be searching for something. Then he mentioned that he too had had glimpses of being somewhere else in time. We chatted for about 15 minutes and I told him about my love, reverence, and connection with Mother Earth and the animal kingdom. We talked about the depleted condition of the natural world and if it could be resurrected. We laughed a bit about the insane level of chaos on the planet and if it could come into balance in our lifetime. He mentioned that he was an Indian Chief and that he came from an ancestral line of Indian Chiefs. Then I said, in my past life as an Indian I think was a Medicine Woman or something similar. I told him that I had had visions seeing myself working with the forces of nature. I had seen myself working with the wind, merging with it, and then co-creating within it. It was exhilarating, kind of wild and fierce! I saw myself as a rainmaker and rain tamer. I would allow for the rain to come, and where flooding was happening I would ask for it to slow down and spread out. Unless, it was supposed to be that way. I would always assess where 1 of the 4 forces needed balancing. (Earth, fire, water, and air)  Once again, the Chief had this faraway look in his eyes. He was quiet and looked out over the expansive mountain range with white snow-capped peaks. Then he looked at me and said, "We call that a Holy One." For a few minutes, we both became quiet looking out into the distance. There was nothing more to be said. We parted ways, and as I drove home I was in a state of stillness. Two Hawks flew in front of my car, then an Eagle. I felt mesmerized by the two powerful bird omens. I stayed in a calm-meditative state of mind. Then I saw two huge double rainbows. I felt blessed and connected to the Indians and Mother Earth. I felt whole and content. For weeks I tried to figure out what the Indian Chief meant by Holy One.  I had a few is that in every culture certain people are considered to be Holy. That could be a Nun, Priest, Rabbi, Saint, Monk, Angel, Shaman, Prophets, Pope, Elder, Priestess, Sophia, etc. The Holy One's are in service to others, the earth, and the Great Spirit or God. I thought about what he said and his description would fit who I have become. I've always been in service to others. I've always respected and loved the animal kingdom and Mother Earth, and I communicate with a Universal force. However, I also think that every person could be a Holy One if they had the desire. It's not exclusive to certain people. If you believe in past lives, then it could simply be a role that you are playing in one particular incarnation. Or if you don't believe in past lives, you could view it as an encoded memory stored in your DNA, meaning a part of your ancestral line or lineage. Your ancestry or lineage can be traced by genealogy.  You could trace/study your ancestry to find out if there is a common theme in your family lineage. For instance, in my family on my father's side, there is a lineage of Priests in France traceable as far back as 1309-77. The number one most important driving force in my life is my spiritual growth. If I am focused on my spiritual growth and bring it through my professional life, I feel aligned with myself. That is from the heavy imprint in my DNA from Priests back to the 1300 hundreds.

When I was studying archetypes, I wasn't surprised to find out that I'm a Priest archetype.

It's encoded in my DNA!


Some people believe in past incarnations and some don't. It depends on where you are born and what the belief systems are. If you were born in India it would be a common belief. Most indigenous peoples, and historical Greek figures such as Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato believed in life after death. The United States has many cultures and races so we tend to believe in it or at least be open to it.


And now to come full circle with my life path story. Remembering my past life as an Indian, working in the holistic healing arts, studying interspecies communication, being in kinship with Mother Earth, and listening to her, has given me the experience and understanding, to view myself and the world around me, in a holistic or quantum way. I know from a quantum perspective that, We all are One. 


My daily life consists of long walks with friends and as many dogs as possible. Hanging out with my sweet dog Callie. Taking short trips into the mountains. Cooking healthy meals. Hiking along rivers and communicating with the natural world. 


In the immediate future, I plan to open an animal sanctuary for dogs and horses. 

920,000 animals are euthanized nationwide every year, and California has the highest kill rate at 62,882. That is what is being recorded, which means that the actual count is much higher.


I would urge anyone who loves animals to contribute in some way. A financial donation, becoming a Foster Parent, creating a sanctuary, or rescuing a pet that needs a home.

You can donate food to your local animal shelter. 

You can get involved politically to change animal rights.

We need Animal Advocates. People who will legally protect animals from abuse and being euthanized.


California Senator Janet Nguyen may inspire you to take action.

See her video below. 


​​If you would like to know more about past lives or reincarnation,

see the video below.​





Get in Touch

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For any inquiries or to schedule a consultation, please feel free to get in touch.

Thank You

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